Piano plus one: Tommaso Vespo und Anna Kaluza, Klavier und Altsaxophon
Das Projekt „Piano +1“ ist eine Konzertreihe mit improvisierter Musik, die akustische Duette mit einem Klavier präsentiert. Improvisierende Pianistinnen und Pianisten laden jeweils einen musikalischen Partner ein (ein akustisches Instrument oder eine Stimme).
Für dieses sechsten Konzert lädt Tommaso Vespo die Saxofonistin Anna Kaluza ein!
Die Konzertreihe „Piano + one“ ist von Roman Stolyar kuratiert. Piano + One endet sich im Dezember 2024!
Anna Kaluza – Saxophon Tommaso Vespo– Klavier
Anna Kaluza studierte Jazzsaxophon an der Hochschule für Musik Köln bei Frank Gratkowski und (mittels eines DAAD-Stipendiums) in London bei Jean Toussaint. Sie trat dem London Improvisers Orchestra bei und gründete nach ihrem Umzug nach Berlin im Jahr 2010 das Berlin Improvisers Orchestra, das regelmäßig mit Musikern aus Berlin und Gästen aus dem Ausland auftritt. 2012 veröffentlichte sie mit den polnischen Musikern Artur Majewski, Kuba Suchar und Rafal Mazur das Album „Tone Hunting“ (Cleanfeed Records); die Band spielte Konzerte in Breslau, Posen, Berlin und Sibiu. Ein Projekt des „Hanam Quintet“ mit Tristan Honsinger führte zu Konzerten in London, Berlin, St. Johann und Heiligenkreutz (Österreich). Zu den neueren Veröffentlichungen gehören ein Duo-Album mit dem Bassisten Jan Roder (relative Pitch Records 2022) und ein Trio-Album mit der Pianistin Céline Voccia und dem Bassisten Matthias Bauer (aut Records 2022). Sie ist Mitglied in Günter Baby Sommers „New Generation of Brother & Sisterhood“, einem größeren Ensemble, das auf den Festivals Jazz Baltica und in Moers 2023 auftrat. Außerdem spielt sie in einer Duo-Formation mit der Bassistin Isi Rößler und in den Quartetten „Rumble Phone Fish“ und „Kaluza Quartett“.
He began studying piano at an early age, immediately becoming interested in jazz and improvisation. Since 2000 he has started a series of artistic collaborations and performed in various jazz clubs, clubs and theaters with musicians such as Paolo Sorge, Francesco Cusa, Alberto Amato, Alessandro Vicard, Antonio Longo, Naked Musicians. He has held several solo piano concerts. He collaborates regularly with Sicilian musicians Antonio Aiello, Dario Chillemi, Salvo Barbagallo, among others. He was part of the collective Improvvisatore Involontario with whom, in March 2011, he toured New York with the Naked Musicians orchestra, where he played with artists of the caliber of Cristina Zavalloni, Mauro Pagani (ex P.F.M.), Elliot Sharp. Among his further collaborations, those with the trumpeter Angelo Oliveri, together with whom he performed in a short tour in 2012 which also involved the drummer Pasquale Augello as well as the late double bass player Lelio Giannetto (Curva Minore). Since 2012 he has participated in the Rara improvisation festival in Palazzolo Acreide, organized by the double bass player Alessandro Vicard, together with whom he performed with numerous artists including the saxophonist Micheal Fischer (Vienna Improvisers Orchestra), the trombonist/pianist Elio Amato, the saxophonist Trevor Brown. In December 2012 he started a collaboration with Berlin musicians, including the cellist Hui-Chun Lin. Since 2013 he is a member of the Berlin Improvvisers Orchestra, playing with important musicians on the European scene such as the late cellist Tristan Honsinger; he collaborates regularly with artists such as saxophonist Anna Kaluza, double bass player Horst Nonnenmacher, drummer Willi Kellers, clarinettist Theo Jorgensmann among others; also performed with musicians such as Emilio Gordoa, Nikolaus Neuser, Lina Allemano, Yorgos Dimitriadis, Kriton Beyer, Nicola Hein. In 2016 he was a guest of the London Improvisers Orchestra and in the British capital he played with various musicians such as Sue Lynch, Adrian Northover, Adam Bohman as well as Tom Wheatley, Kay Grant, Marcio Mattos, Rowland Sutherland, Guillaume Viltard, Julie Kjaer, Hannah Marshall. Starting from the same year, he also began playing in Amsterdam, among others with double bass player Raoul Van Der Weide, where he returned to perform on various occasions. In 2018 he was sent to participate in the Modern Wien festival, performing among others with drummer Esad Halilovic and saxophonist Edith Lettner. He is part of the Oooh festival network organized by the Israeli musician Illi Adato, participating in various events organized in Italy, England, Germany and Holland. He has recorded the recordings Tree forms (Improvvisatore Involontario), Stones of contentions (Citystream), Tiere im Walde (Maybee records) as well as other publications such as Mira (IRA 4et).
Foto Anna Kaluza: Manuel Miethe
Foto Tommaso Vespo: Giuliana Scollo
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